It's very true that there cannot be two swords in one starts to acknowledge that more and more after being one of those two swords too often. Many is good; Single is even better; 2 is as wicked a number as it is a lovely number...
On a different note(seriously), i got the date of births of two of my old friends wrong this i wished late, and the other i wished ahead of time. An old wise man once said that it is the thought that counts...i wonder if it's that simple. Before i forget, let me wish another old friend of mine Happy Birthday. பிறந்த நாள் நல்வாழ்த்துகள் பாரதி!
It's an old wide world...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Moment of Truth
What will be running through your mind at this very moment if you knew that an hour from now you'll either be too happy or too sad?
EDIT::: 12/6/07, 3:30 pm
So much hype for nothing in the end. Turned out to be just another moment. No joy, no sorrow, only evasion...
EDIT::: 12/6/07, 3:30 pm
So much hype for nothing in the end. Turned out to be just another moment. No joy, no sorrow, only evasion...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Best

Age - 36
Retired - 5 years ago (and hasn't played any competitive tennis since)
Grand Slam Titles - 14
Wimbledon Titles - 7
Last Title Won - US Open, 2002
Name - Pete Sampras
His Opponent:
Age - 26
Retired - 2 years from now, probably :P
Grand Slam Titles - 12
Current Rank - 1
Last Title Won - Masters Series (less than a week ago)
Name - Roger Federer
Now, when these two men take on each other in a tennis court, you can expect even hardcore Sampras fans to think that Federer would beat Sampras 999 out of 1000 times. If it's a 3-match series, they can be excused for thinking that the odds of Sampras winning 1 set is about 1 in a hundred. Now, if you had told them that Sampras actually won 2 out of 6 sets, won one out of 3 matches, 3 out of the 6 sets were tie-breakers of which if Sampras had won all three, he would have also won the 3 match series 2-1, they'll tell you they knew he was capable of doing it :P
I believed that Sampras would win the third match after he lost the second one in 2 heart-breaking tie-breakers, and he did. Some people are so convinced about the invincibility of Federer that this will not change their opinion one bit....but for people like me who believe that Sampras is way better than Federer, well, it doesn't change our opinion one bit either.
Bow to the King, the only KING! B-)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Breaks My Heart...

I have a small picture of her(cut out from "The Hindu" daily), taken after she won the Olympic gold(s) in Sydney(2000), stuck in a corner of one of the two huge blow-ups of Aish that adorn my bedroom in India. Her cherubic smile was energizing and inspiring. And now i hear THIS:
it breaks my heart...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
My First Water Fast

What better day than October 2nd(Gandhiji's birthday, for the uninformed) to do this? Mahatma always had a special place for farmers in his heart. He believed that rural India was the backbone of our country. So, it was only apt that the candle light vigil was scheduled for today, despite it being a week day.
There was an option for people who were organizing the vigil(s) to also fast for one day, to show support. I decided to fast too...
It's just past 9:30pm now and i have two and a half more hours to go. Let me tell you that it has not been an easy day at all. I woke up at around 7:30 am, skipped the usual breakfast, went to work, drank gallons and gallons of water, missed the two cups of coffee i take for granted each day at work so badly, got tempted a few times in between by the apple that was lying on my desk and by the various vending machine food, but stood my ground, came home at 6 pm and took a nap for 45 minutes so that i wouldn't have to think about food, went for the vigil which started at 7:30 pm and lasted for about an hour, got tempted again because the venue was in the heart of Indian restaurants, 3 fellow fasters, each of us looked like we'll give in, finally decided not to and came home. The last one hour has been particularly bad that it even forced me to blog, something that i have been avoiding big time of late. Another 136 minutes to go...
Half way through the day, i started thinking about all those people who fast for days and days. My God. What resolve. What strength. How important their goals must be for them! That's when i thought that when you want something so badly, you wouldn't mind the suffering that comes along the way, in order to attain it. I was also thinking about those farmers and poor people who are not assured of even one square meal a day. What will it be like for a small kid to starve? Will they get used to it after a week? a month? maybe a year? knowing that that's what their destiny was painful to even think of such people...what must it be like to be one of them? I thanked God for giving me so much in life...
Mahatma Gandhi fasted left, right and center for many many worthy causes. He fasted in his old age- something i can only look at and admire. What was the need? Where was the motivation coming from? It's simply unbelievable. He has been on 21 day fasts like it was some fun thing to do. Hats off to his mental strength.
There are thousands of social activists like the Mahatma and hats off to every single one of them. They'll continue to inspire people like me in a million different ways on a daily basis- maybe not to do big things that will move mountains, but to do small things that will move a heart or two...
There was an option for people who were organizing the vigil(s) to also fast for one day, to show support. I decided to fast too...
It's just past 9:30pm now and i have two and a half more hours to go. Let me tell you that it has not been an easy day at all. I woke up at around 7:30 am, skipped the usual breakfast, went to work, drank gallons and gallons of water, missed the two cups of coffee i take for granted each day at work so badly, got tempted a few times in between by the apple that was lying on my desk and by the various vending machine food, but stood my ground, came home at 6 pm and took a nap for 45 minutes so that i wouldn't have to think about food, went for the vigil which started at 7:30 pm and lasted for about an hour, got tempted again because the venue was in the heart of Indian restaurants, 3 fellow fasters, each of us looked like we'll give in, finally decided not to and came home. The last one hour has been particularly bad that it even forced me to blog, something that i have been avoiding big time of late. Another 136 minutes to go...
Half way through the day, i started thinking about all those people who fast for days and days. My God. What resolve. What strength. How important their goals must be for them! That's when i thought that when you want something so badly, you wouldn't mind the suffering that comes along the way, in order to attain it. I was also thinking about those farmers and poor people who are not assured of even one square meal a day. What will it be like for a small kid to starve? Will they get used to it after a week? a month? maybe a year? knowing that that's what their destiny was painful to even think of such people...what must it be like to be one of them? I thanked God for giving me so much in life...
Mahatma Gandhi fasted left, right and center for many many worthy causes. He fasted in his old age- something i can only look at and admire. What was the need? Where was the motivation coming from? It's simply unbelievable. He has been on 21 day fasts like it was some fun thing to do. Hats off to his mental strength.
There are thousands of social activists like the Mahatma and hats off to every single one of them. They'll continue to inspire people like me in a million different ways on a daily basis- maybe not to do big things that will move mountains, but to do small things that will move a heart or two...
Mental Strength,
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Plus One...
Hard to believe that it's been a year since i posted this...
...have to remind myself that "There's always hope", as Aragorn would put it.
...have to remind myself that "There's always hope", as Aragorn would put it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
VeNmathi VeNmathiyae Nillu
back after a couple of months' break :P -poor Harris Jayaraj again ;)
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
...And Then He Became A Thing Of The Past
कोई हमदम न रहा, कोई सहारा न रहा
हम किसी के न रहे, कोई हमारा न रहा
शाम तन्हाई की है, आएगी मंज़िल कैसे
जो मुझे राह दिखाए, वो ही तारा न रहा
ए नज़ारों न हंसो, मिल न सकूंगा तुम्से
वो मेरे हो न सके, मैं भी तुम्हारा न रहा
क्या बताऊं मैं कहां यूं ही चला जाता हूं
जो मुझे फिर से बुला ले, वो इशारा न रहा
हम किसी के न रहे, कोई हमारा न रहा
शाम तन्हाई की है, आएगी मंज़िल कैसे
जो मुझे राह दिखाए, वो ही तारा न रहा
ए नज़ारों न हंसो, मिल न सकूंगा तुम्से
वो मेरे हो न सके, मैं भी तुम्हारा न रहा
क्या बताऊं मैं कहां यूं ही चला जाता हूं
जो मुझे फिर से बुला ले, वो इशारा न रहा
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
As It Happened-2
Please Note:
Date: June 21, 2007
Time: 8-9pm (Your Time in the World)
Planned Action: Turn Off The Switch.
For details, please visit
Am looking forward to spending the hour without consuming electricity in any form- no computer, no TV, no Mobile, no Microwave, no Light, no Fan, no A/C, no Heater, no Ipod! Since I cannot force my roommate to do the same, it'll be hard to stay indoors at that time. A walk around the area will help, perhaps.
Part 2 begins here...
Balaji's speech was on a Tuesday(May 22nd). I was kind of skeptical about how many people would turn up, considering that the speech was scheduled for 6:30pm, when most of the Qualcomm-ers would still be at work(about 70% Indians in San Diego must be working for Qualcomm, i think), and was pleasantly surprised to see about 30 people turn up before the clock had struck 6:30. By the time the speech started at 7pm, the auditorium which could seat about 60 plus had capacity crowd, and more.
I was awed the very moment i saw Balaji. He was very simple that he was wearing Hawaii slippers! He looked very much like a guy who gave up Communications and a heap of dollars for his country. Refreshments were served before the speech and it was Balaji all the way from the time he started the speech off by showing a video of a couple of village girls trying to read a paragraph in Tamil- one being reasonably fluent and the other struggling to read words.
His "Padippum Inikkum" campaign has created magic in the government schools in Tamilnadu. To give a sample statistic, "5th standard children who can read at least small sentences has increased from 58% to 85% in 5 months!" The campaign started off in five districts and having impressed the Tamilnadu government with its results, is now going to be extended to 10. The government wants to project it as its own idea, and it needs to be seen to believe Balaji's reaction to it. He says, "How does it matter? As long as things get done, let the government take all the credit". This essentially underlines the man's character. He is so selfless, generous and humble. He maintains that all his "Padippum Inikkum" campaign has done is to make some kids who had troubles reading to read fluently and that is all. When people like me, who have hardly done anything for the society, get to hear this- the effect is unbelievable.
He went in depth about the campaign. The program basically classifies children in third to fifth standards into five different levels, based on how well they can read. Each level has specific training tools to improve the children's reading skills in that level. The current goal of the program is not to make all children read equally well. The program understands that all children are not equal. Its goal is "only" to improve each kid's reading skills from what it was before starting the program. "Only" Balaji could have framed the previous sentence using the word "only"! He is so modest and is un-accepting of praise that it makes you want to adore him. In essence, each kid is compared only against itself. There is absolutely no pressure on the kid, given that the training tools are totally fun! It is designed in a way that it makes the children want to read! He collects different materials for his campaign wherever he goes. There are people all around the globe providing him with training materials.
The schools in each of these five districts are also classified into three types- A, B and C, based on how co-operative the staff in each of those schools are(most cases there's just one staff, for Tamil atleast!). A-schools are those where the staff were really co-operative and C-schools are the opposite. In C-schools, the staff would not allow "Padippum Inikkum" at all. Most of them felt that it belittled what they were doing and some of them were demanding a pay hike to allow the program be a part of the school curriculum! Given that A-schools would take care of themselves and C-schools had minimal scope, most attention was given to the B-schools(!!). There were volunteers who made rounds to each of these schools on a regular basis, monitoring how well the program was being implemented. The results were staggering, and that's how the Tamilnadu Government took note of the program. They wanted the program to be implemented in all 30 districts of Tamilnadu, but Balaji was very realistic about it and advocated that only 10 districts should be considered for now. He needs crores and crores of rupees to even make it work in 10 districts, and that was the prime motive of his visit to the US this time! He has no doubts that he'll get the required money as and when he needs it and that showed another dimension of the man- a quiet confidence and lots of optimism.
Here are some vital statistics about Padippum Inikkum:
* 4, 50, 000 children from 7300 schools benefitted from the campaign, which lasted from October 2006 to March 2007 in 5 districts.
* 92% of the children have improved their reading skills by at least one level within 5 months.
* Number of schools where more than 70% children can read went up from 78 to 2107!
The speech went until 8:45 pm or so and there were tens of questions and we had to forcefully end the program at 10pm.
We went to one of the volunteers' place to eat some home-cooked dinner and he continued from where he left and answered the questions we had for him through dinner. One of the volunteers, who's an American lady in her late fifties was left in awe hearing him talk. She confessed as much to him. She told him that the fact that he kept his feet firm on earth despite his achievements, and the fact that he's ready to give up all credits as long as things keep happening are things that she doesn't get to see in day to day life. He replied by saying that he felt she was placing him high on a pedestal and that what he was doing was very small. She said, "See. That's what I am talking about", and we all had to agree...
It was almost 1 am when i finally reached home that night. I was so excited by what i got to see and hear. There was an exclusive meeting for the volunteers that evening and I couldn't wait for it to get started. There was also this party my company had organized that day in celebration of the successful launch of the product that my team was working on. That was at "Dave & Busters" at 3pm and the meet with Balaji was at 6:30pm. So, a busy day was awaiting me and it hardly took me a minute to goto sleep after i went to bed that night...
More about the informal talk with Balaji, HH Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's talk about Vedas, Mantras and Meditation, my trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park, Dr. Menon's talk and Ravi and Aravinda's visit in my upcoming blog entries!
Date: June 21, 2007
Time: 8-9pm (Your Time in the World)
Planned Action: Turn Off The Switch.
For details, please visit
Am looking forward to spending the hour without consuming electricity in any form- no computer, no TV, no Mobile, no Microwave, no Light, no Fan, no A/C, no Heater, no Ipod! Since I cannot force my roommate to do the same, it'll be hard to stay indoors at that time. A walk around the area will help, perhaps.
Part 2 begins here...
Balaji's speech was on a Tuesday(May 22nd). I was kind of skeptical about how many people would turn up, considering that the speech was scheduled for 6:30pm, when most of the Qualcomm-ers would still be at work(about 70% Indians in San Diego must be working for Qualcomm, i think), and was pleasantly surprised to see about 30 people turn up before the clock had struck 6:30. By the time the speech started at 7pm, the auditorium which could seat about 60 plus had capacity crowd, and more.
I was awed the very moment i saw Balaji. He was very simple that he was wearing Hawaii slippers! He looked very much like a guy who gave up Communications and a heap of dollars for his country. Refreshments were served before the speech and it was Balaji all the way from the time he started the speech off by showing a video of a couple of village girls trying to read a paragraph in Tamil- one being reasonably fluent and the other struggling to read words.
His "Padippum Inikkum" campaign has created magic in the government schools in Tamilnadu. To give a sample statistic, "5th standard children who can read at least small sentences has increased from 58% to 85% in 5 months!" The campaign started off in five districts and having impressed the Tamilnadu government with its results, is now going to be extended to 10. The government wants to project it as its own idea, and it needs to be seen to believe Balaji's reaction to it. He says, "How does it matter? As long as things get done, let the government take all the credit". This essentially underlines the man's character. He is so selfless, generous and humble. He maintains that all his "Padippum Inikkum" campaign has done is to make some kids who had troubles reading to read fluently and that is all. When people like me, who have hardly done anything for the society, get to hear this- the effect is unbelievable.
He went in depth about the campaign. The program basically classifies children in third to fifth standards into five different levels, based on how well they can read. Each level has specific training tools to improve the children's reading skills in that level. The current goal of the program is not to make all children read equally well. The program understands that all children are not equal. Its goal is "only" to improve each kid's reading skills from what it was before starting the program. "Only" Balaji could have framed the previous sentence using the word "only"! He is so modest and is un-accepting of praise that it makes you want to adore him. In essence, each kid is compared only against itself. There is absolutely no pressure on the kid, given that the training tools are totally fun! It is designed in a way that it makes the children want to read! He collects different materials for his campaign wherever he goes. There are people all around the globe providing him with training materials.
The schools in each of these five districts are also classified into three types- A, B and C, based on how co-operative the staff in each of those schools are(most cases there's just one staff, for Tamil atleast!). A-schools are those where the staff were really co-operative and C-schools are the opposite. In C-schools, the staff would not allow "Padippum Inikkum" at all. Most of them felt that it belittled what they were doing and some of them were demanding a pay hike to allow the program be a part of the school curriculum! Given that A-schools would take care of themselves and C-schools had minimal scope, most attention was given to the B-schools(!!). There were volunteers who made rounds to each of these schools on a regular basis, monitoring how well the program was being implemented. The results were staggering, and that's how the Tamilnadu Government took note of the program. They wanted the program to be implemented in all 30 districts of Tamilnadu, but Balaji was very realistic about it and advocated that only 10 districts should be considered for now. He needs crores and crores of rupees to even make it work in 10 districts, and that was the prime motive of his visit to the US this time! He has no doubts that he'll get the required money as and when he needs it and that showed another dimension of the man- a quiet confidence and lots of optimism.
Here are some vital statistics about Padippum Inikkum:
* 4, 50, 000 children from 7300 schools benefitted from the campaign, which lasted from October 2006 to March 2007 in 5 districts.
* 92% of the children have improved their reading skills by at least one level within 5 months.
* Number of schools where more than 70% children can read went up from 78 to 2107!
The speech went until 8:45 pm or so and there were tens of questions and we had to forcefully end the program at 10pm.
We went to one of the volunteers' place to eat some home-cooked dinner and he continued from where he left and answered the questions we had for him through dinner. One of the volunteers, who's an American lady in her late fifties was left in awe hearing him talk. She confessed as much to him. She told him that the fact that he kept his feet firm on earth despite his achievements, and the fact that he's ready to give up all credits as long as things keep happening are things that she doesn't get to see in day to day life. He replied by saying that he felt she was placing him high on a pedestal and that what he was doing was very small. She said, "See. That's what I am talking about", and we all had to agree...
It was almost 1 am when i finally reached home that night. I was so excited by what i got to see and hear. There was an exclusive meeting for the volunteers that evening and I couldn't wait for it to get started. There was also this party my company had organized that day in celebration of the successful launch of the product that my team was working on. That was at "Dave & Busters" at 3pm and the meet with Balaji was at 6:30pm. So, a busy day was awaiting me and it hardly took me a minute to goto sleep after i went to bed that night...
More about the informal talk with Balaji, HH Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's talk about Vedas, Mantras and Meditation, my trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park, Dr. Menon's talk and Ravi and Aravinda's visit in my upcoming blog entries!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Yet Another Beautiful Dream
Me and my family are at this girl's place. We are talking general stuff and i suddenly find myself all alone with this girl. She's very pretty and is wearing a saree. We talk about a lot of things, and suddenly, in my dream, i realise that what's happening is part of "poNNu paakkaRa padalam"("bride-watching" :P episode in an arranged marriage?). I seem to like her very well and suddenly we are walking(or just standing-not sure) hand in hand! She seems to be very emotional and quietly happy. I learn that her Date of Birth is June 30, 1985(about five and a half years younger to me). That seems to bother me. I ask her if she's ok with the age difference and before she could say a thing, the beautiful dream comes to an end.
I watched Sivaji Thursday night and that could be the reason for this dream. Rajni and his parents frequent Shriya's house a couple of times before their eventual marriage, and those scenes are pretty long and elaborate. Coincidentally, June 30 happens to be the birthday of one of my closest friends- very worst :P
As much as i fear marriage(s) in general, and arranged marriage(s) in particular, this dream is by far one of the most beautiful dreams i've ever had ;)
I watched Sivaji Thursday night and that could be the reason for this dream. Rajni and his parents frequent Shriya's house a couple of times before their eventual marriage, and those scenes are pretty long and elaborate. Coincidentally, June 30 happens to be the birthday of one of my closest friends- very worst :P
As much as i fear marriage(s) in general, and arranged marriage(s) in particular, this dream is by far one of the most beautiful dreams i've ever had ;)
Monday, June 11, 2007
As It Happened-1
It's been a month since i wrote last. It sure doesn't feel that way. The past month has been a period of revelation in a number of ways. There were moments of fun, despair, joy, anguish and peace- all interspersed in equal amounts. To think that i feel mostly happy at the end of it all is good.
I have been volunteering for AID(Association for India's Development, San Diego Chapter) for the past two months or so. This has exposed me to a lot of facts and figures about India, the magnitude of which am still trying to take in. One thing is very clear. There is so much work to be done and any help, how much ever small it is, is most welcome. AID, in my opinion, serves as a perfect platform for that. It won't be a great exaggeration to say that the kinds of projects it undertakes are as diversified as the number of problems India is facing at the moment. So, there's something for everyone.
I must consider myself very lucky for having picked this time to join AID because Memorial Day Weekend(last weekend of May) is when the annual AID conference(in USA) happens, and that's when people like Ravi Kuchimanchi and Balaji Sampath visit the States to attend the conference and to render speeches in the different AID chapters(36 chapters in USA according to the website- possibly more). More luckily for me, they were both going to visit the San Diego chapter this year(i couldn't attend the conference because of my trip to the Rocky Mountains that weekend- more on that in my next entry). Balaji was slated to give a speech about his "Padippum Inikkum" campaign in Tamilnadu on May 22nd, Ravi about the recently launched NREGA Act(National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) on June 9th and his wife Aravinda about the need for promoting rural arts/practices, on the same day. In between these two speeches, there was another speech by social activist and Gandhian, Dr. Prabhakar Menon, on "Violence Against Women in India- Connections to the Caste System" on June 6th. I attended all three talks(four speakers) and am so glad I did.
Let me try and give a brief intro about Ravi and Balaji. Ravi can be considered as the official founder of AID. He was doing his PhD in Particle Physics at the University of Maryland-College Park in 1991, when this idea of doing something for India struck him. He sent out an email to a bunch of his friends asking them if they'd be interested in contributing money to do something good in some village in India, and most of them did. This motivated him and he started organizing CSHs(Community Service Hours- this is an AID culture to this date) and gathered more volunteers for AID. By the time he graduated, AID had become very popular there. He married Aravinda Pillalamarri, who grew up in USA, and left to India for good in 1998, and has been living 50% of the time in Mumbai and the rest of the time in the villages of Orissa and Srikakulam(AP) district, working fulltime at the grassroot level on a variety of issues. They have a four year old daughter, Khiyali. They have been acknowledged as one of the inspirations behind Ashutosh Gowariker’s “Swades”...and i personally feel that they make a wonderful couple.

More about the speeches rendered in San Diego by the two prime figures of AID and much more about the past month in my upcoming blog entries!
I have been volunteering for AID(Association for India's Development, San Diego Chapter) for the past two months or so. This has exposed me to a lot of facts and figures about India, the magnitude of which am still trying to take in. One thing is very clear. There is so much work to be done and any help, how much ever small it is, is most welcome. AID, in my opinion, serves as a perfect platform for that. It won't be a great exaggeration to say that the kinds of projects it undertakes are as diversified as the number of problems India is facing at the moment. So, there's something for everyone.
I must consider myself very lucky for having picked this time to join AID because Memorial Day Weekend(last weekend of May) is when the annual AID conference(in USA) happens, and that's when people like Ravi Kuchimanchi and Balaji Sampath visit the States to attend the conference and to render speeches in the different AID chapters(36 chapters in USA according to the website- possibly more). More luckily for me, they were both going to visit the San Diego chapter this year(i couldn't attend the conference because of my trip to the Rocky Mountains that weekend- more on that in my next entry). Balaji was slated to give a speech about his "Padippum Inikkum" campaign in Tamilnadu on May 22nd, Ravi about the recently launched NREGA Act(National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) on June 9th and his wife Aravinda about the need for promoting rural arts/practices, on the same day. In between these two speeches, there was another speech by social activist and Gandhian, Dr. Prabhakar Menon, on "Violence Against Women in India- Connections to the Caste System" on June 6th. I attended all three talks(four speakers) and am so glad I did.
Let me try and give a brief intro about Ravi and Balaji. Ravi can be considered as the official founder of AID. He was doing his PhD in Particle Physics at the University of Maryland-College Park in 1991, when this idea of doing something for India struck him. He sent out an email to a bunch of his friends asking them if they'd be interested in contributing money to do something good in some village in India, and most of them did. This motivated him and he started organizing CSHs(Community Service Hours- this is an AID culture to this date) and gathered more volunteers for AID. By the time he graduated, AID had become very popular there. He married Aravinda Pillalamarri, who grew up in USA, and left to India for good in 1998, and has been living 50% of the time in Mumbai and the rest of the time in the villages of Orissa and Srikakulam(AP) district, working fulltime at the grassroot level on a variety of issues. They have a four year old daughter, Khiyali. They have been acknowledged as one of the inspirations behind Ashutosh Gowariker’s “Swades”...and i personally feel that they make a wonderful couple.
sharing a light moment with Ravi at one of the volunteers' house, couple of hours before Khiyali, Aravinda and him left San Diego.
I don't know much about Balaji's personal life- mainly because there was rarely an opportunity to ask him any personal questions. He had so much to tell us about his work in Tamilnadu and boy, can he speak or what?!! He's amazing when it comes to discussing issues, and is very methodical and down-to-earth in his approach. Balaji was in Ravi's junior batch at College Park and used to evade Ravi to avoid going to CSHs! He did his PhD in Communications. His wife is Kalpana is also an active volunteer of AID. Balaji also left US for good and is based in Chennai, working at the grassroot level in the villages of Tamilnadu. His area of expertise, so to say, is education. He has been, and is, instrumental in improving the reading skills of kids in village schools.More about the speeches rendered in San Diego by the two prime figures of AID and much more about the past month in my upcoming blog entries!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
When Dreams Get Weird...
...Your erstwhile crush, who's married now(in real life) and is your uncle's daughter-in-law(in the dream), will be serving you food and will be discussing Bharathiyaar poems with you, while your uncle sings her praise all along!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Oru Maalai ILaveyil Naeram
orumaalai_gajini_m... |
at last...the torture begins :D :P - this was my best out of no less than 11 attempts(am sick of the song now!!) at singing this song! so you can imagine :P -i think i have yelled a little(well... :P) in this song.
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
So Long, Dears!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Give up?
Sometimes, you got to lose something in order to find something...
...but most times, there is no equivalent to being perseverant and hopeful.
Let's hope that the branch breaks off completely and the man survives...and more importantly, let's hope that he realizes that giving up is the easiest thing to do.

Let's hope that the branch breaks off completely and the man survives...and more importantly, let's hope that he realizes that giving up is the easiest thing to do.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Life is tough...
I moved into a new apartment recently with a guy...well, man...who sent his wife and kid back to India, just before i moved in, so that his kid can join a school there, because education was costly in the United States. The kid is four years old. I did not quite know how to react when, a couple of nights ago, he started talking about all the hardships he was facing in life, about the tough decision of whether to stay here or go back, etc.. All i could think of was about the millions below the poverty line, struggling for their next day's meal. He earns in dollars and i guess that's saying enough for a corporate Indian in USA, more often than not.
I just hope that I won't live to see a day when i'd acknowledge the seriousness of what he was talking about...
I just hope that I won't live to see a day when i'd acknowledge the seriousness of what he was talking about...
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A short story-8
Dedicated to all the lovers in this world...happy Valentine's day.
Valentine's Day
Priya was looking out through the window in her office room on the 40th floor of a New York skyscraper. The pitch black sky was in stark contrast to the snow that was coming down steadily. Not too bad, she thought. She had always loved snow. She could never forget her first experience with snow.
It had only been her third month in the United States then. She was sitting in the library, preparing for her midterm test. "Probability and Random Processes" was boring to put it mildly, she thought. She had been thinking about the probability involved in an arranged marriage ever since her cousin got divorced a couple of years back. "Not very exciting at all", she muttered. If she were to marry somebody, it had to be a guy she was in love with. She just had to find out who the lucky guy was.
She accidentally looked out through the window. It was raining. A second look got her all excited. It was snowing! She forgot all about her midterm examination and rushed out through the doors. Snow in october? One of her seniors had mentioned, "Not before Christmas". So much for predictability!
There was a steady flurry. The concrete platform outside the library looked like it had a coating of ice. She took a couple of steps on the sleet and immediately lost balance and fell down, resting on her hands awkwardly, spraining her wrist. She was lying flat on the floor facing the sky, taking down all the snow falling down and crying aloud in pain.
A few seconds later, she heard a voice.
"Are you alright?"
"No. I am not alright. Do i look alright?", she was trying her best to keep her voice from breaking down.
She looked in the direction from which the voice came. A handsome guy was standing there, sporting a sympathetic look. He took her to the university hospital in his car and dropped her back at her place. Not many words were exchanged because she was in pain and the painkillers made her feel drowsy. She thanked him for his patience and kindness.
She learnt the next day that his name was Rahul. She learnt the next week that he was two years elder to her. She learnt the next month that he too was a big fan of Archer. She learnt the next year that he was in love with her. It took her 6 hours before she said she loved him too. After all, he was extremely lovable and very predictable...nothing random about him. Starting that year, Gandhi Jayanthi became doubly special to her...
Priya was done for the day at work. Tomorrow will be her last. She closed her office door and headed towards the elevator. The board on her office door read "Priya Rahul, Research Analyst, Probability Modeling". She got into the elevator and selected P2, where she had her Mercedes parked. Rahul had gifted it to her last year, on the occasion of her fortieth birthday.
The year after Rahul had proposed his love for her, she graduated and joined a startup company in upstate New York. He got his doctorate degree in Geology 6 months later and started working in New York too. After initial apprehensions, their respective parents were convinced about their love for each other. They got married in Chennai, a week after he completed one year at work. She was really happy with life. They decided to go back to India for good after their fifth anniversary.
Priya got out of the elevator and walked upto her car and got into it. It was a 20 minute drive to the hotel in which she stayed now. Her memories went back to that day...the day she would never forget for life.
"Happy Anniversary, Priya", Rahul kissed her on her cheek.
"Thanks Rahul. Happy Anniversary", she kissed him back.
"Five years", he smiled.
"Yes. It's been a lovely journey", she said.
They now had a two year old son, Sunil.
"So, did you think about when we should go back?"
"Go back where?"
"To India"
"Oh...Rahul, what do we not have here? We have our lovely family, our own house, nice careers, luxurious and peaceful life. Do you think we can afford to have all this in India?"
"What do you mean? Ofcourse, we can", he sounded weak.
"No Rahul. You have to think about it. I do not want to go back to India. This is our country. We should apply for citizenship. We can visit India every other year ofcourse"
"But we agreed"
"Oh, come on Rahul. People change. Decisions change"
"But you hate change. You like things to be straightforward and predictable"
"Well, i used to..."
"Priya. Our parents are back in India. It is neither feasible for us to bring our ageing parents here nor would they like to come here and live their last days in an alien land. Atleast you have brothers. Am a single kid. Do you love me more or do you love this country more?", he knew he was not making sense.
"Rahul. Don't be a kid. Your cousins live in India. Your parents should be fine. You can visit every year, maybe"
Rahul could not believe what he was hearing. It wasn't the Priya he knew. He had never felt the need to discuss the issue prior to this day because he did not have the slightest doubt that she'd fail to live up to their decision. He left the room without speaking another word.
She parked the car in the allotted spot and got into her hotel room. It had stopped snowing. She called Divya to confirm if she'd pick the car up the following night. She did not remember what the offered price was. She did not care. Their house was sold last week.
It was February 14th in India. She was waiting for Sunil to call. He had turned thirteen the previous week. Time was flying by really fast, she thought. Her little kid was now a teenager. Her mobile rang.
"Hello Amma"
"Hi Sunil. How are you?"
"Am doing great. Chennai is very nice. Very hot compared to New York though. But I love granma and granpa. They take very good care of me. Oh, i almost forgot...happy Anniversary ma"
She did not realize that she was crying. Sixteen years had passed since that day in Chennai when she had exchanged numerous marriage vows with Rahul, the meanings of which she wasn't aware of. But there was one vow she knew she had made, but failed to keep up...well, almost. She was late by eleven years...but that's ok.
"Thanks da kannaa. Give the phone to your dad"
"It's a very mild heart attack Priya. He's not been his own lately, ever since his dad underwent a major surgery last year. He has also put on so much weight. He needs special care. Give him what he wants. Anything to keep him happy", said Manoj, their family doctor.
It had been a month since that terrible day.
"Hello Idiot. Happy in India? Don't you dare give me any more heart attacks"
"Happy Anniversary Priya. I love you"
"I love you too...and so much more than this stupid country"
"I know"
"I'll see you on monday"
"Looking forward to that. Happy Valentine's day"
"Happy Valentine's day", she hung the phone.
She had never been more happier in life and still found it hard to stop the tears flowing liberally out of her eyes. She looked out through the window. It was beginning to snow again...
Valentine's Day
Priya was looking out through the window in her office room on the 40th floor of a New York skyscraper. The pitch black sky was in stark contrast to the snow that was coming down steadily. Not too bad, she thought. She had always loved snow. She could never forget her first experience with snow.
It had only been her third month in the United States then. She was sitting in the library, preparing for her midterm test. "Probability and Random Processes" was boring to put it mildly, she thought. She had been thinking about the probability involved in an arranged marriage ever since her cousin got divorced a couple of years back. "Not very exciting at all", she muttered. If she were to marry somebody, it had to be a guy she was in love with. She just had to find out who the lucky guy was.
She accidentally looked out through the window. It was raining. A second look got her all excited. It was snowing! She forgot all about her midterm examination and rushed out through the doors. Snow in october? One of her seniors had mentioned, "Not before Christmas". So much for predictability!
There was a steady flurry. The concrete platform outside the library looked like it had a coating of ice. She took a couple of steps on the sleet and immediately lost balance and fell down, resting on her hands awkwardly, spraining her wrist. She was lying flat on the floor facing the sky, taking down all the snow falling down and crying aloud in pain.
A few seconds later, she heard a voice.
"Are you alright?"
"No. I am not alright. Do i look alright?", she was trying her best to keep her voice from breaking down.
She looked in the direction from which the voice came. A handsome guy was standing there, sporting a sympathetic look. He took her to the university hospital in his car and dropped her back at her place. Not many words were exchanged because she was in pain and the painkillers made her feel drowsy. She thanked him for his patience and kindness.
She learnt the next day that his name was Rahul. She learnt the next week that he was two years elder to her. She learnt the next month that he too was a big fan of Archer. She learnt the next year that he was in love with her. It took her 6 hours before she said she loved him too. After all, he was extremely lovable and very predictable...nothing random about him. Starting that year, Gandhi Jayanthi became doubly special to her...
Priya was done for the day at work. Tomorrow will be her last. She closed her office door and headed towards the elevator. The board on her office door read "Priya Rahul, Research Analyst, Probability Modeling". She got into the elevator and selected P2, where she had her Mercedes parked. Rahul had gifted it to her last year, on the occasion of her fortieth birthday.
The year after Rahul had proposed his love for her, she graduated and joined a startup company in upstate New York. He got his doctorate degree in Geology 6 months later and started working in New York too. After initial apprehensions, their respective parents were convinced about their love for each other. They got married in Chennai, a week after he completed one year at work. She was really happy with life. They decided to go back to India for good after their fifth anniversary.
Priya got out of the elevator and walked upto her car and got into it. It was a 20 minute drive to the hotel in which she stayed now. Her memories went back to that day...the day she would never forget for life.
"Happy Anniversary, Priya", Rahul kissed her on her cheek.
"Thanks Rahul. Happy Anniversary", she kissed him back.
"Five years", he smiled.
"Yes. It's been a lovely journey", she said.
They now had a two year old son, Sunil.
"So, did you think about when we should go back?"
"Go back where?"
"To India"
"Oh...Rahul, what do we not have here? We have our lovely family, our own house, nice careers, luxurious and peaceful life. Do you think we can afford to have all this in India?"
"What do you mean? Ofcourse, we can", he sounded weak.
"No Rahul. You have to think about it. I do not want to go back to India. This is our country. We should apply for citizenship. We can visit India every other year ofcourse"
"But we agreed"
"Oh, come on Rahul. People change. Decisions change"
"But you hate change. You like things to be straightforward and predictable"
"Well, i used to..."
"Priya. Our parents are back in India. It is neither feasible for us to bring our ageing parents here nor would they like to come here and live their last days in an alien land. Atleast you have brothers. Am a single kid. Do you love me more or do you love this country more?", he knew he was not making sense.
"Rahul. Don't be a kid. Your cousins live in India. Your parents should be fine. You can visit every year, maybe"
Rahul could not believe what he was hearing. It wasn't the Priya he knew. He had never felt the need to discuss the issue prior to this day because he did not have the slightest doubt that she'd fail to live up to their decision. He left the room without speaking another word.
She parked the car in the allotted spot and got into her hotel room. It had stopped snowing. She called Divya to confirm if she'd pick the car up the following night. She did not remember what the offered price was. She did not care. Their house was sold last week.
It was February 14th in India. She was waiting for Sunil to call. He had turned thirteen the previous week. Time was flying by really fast, she thought. Her little kid was now a teenager. Her mobile rang.
"Hello Amma"
"Hi Sunil. How are you?"
"Am doing great. Chennai is very nice. Very hot compared to New York though. But I love granma and granpa. They take very good care of me. Oh, i almost forgot...happy Anniversary ma"
She did not realize that she was crying. Sixteen years had passed since that day in Chennai when she had exchanged numerous marriage vows with Rahul, the meanings of which she wasn't aware of. But there was one vow she knew she had made, but failed to keep up...well, almost. She was late by eleven years...but that's ok.
"Thanks da kannaa. Give the phone to your dad"
"It's a very mild heart attack Priya. He's not been his own lately, ever since his dad underwent a major surgery last year. He has also put on so much weight. He needs special care. Give him what he wants. Anything to keep him happy", said Manoj, their family doctor.
It had been a month since that terrible day.
"Hello Idiot. Happy in India? Don't you dare give me any more heart attacks"
"Happy Anniversary Priya. I love you"
"I love you too...and so much more than this stupid country"
"I know"
"I'll see you on monday"
"Looking forward to that. Happy Valentine's day"
"Happy Valentine's day", she hung the phone.
She had never been more happier in life and still found it hard to stop the tears flowing liberally out of her eyes. She looked out through the window. It was beginning to snow again...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Windows E Senator Jon
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Thanks for visiting my role of an do a com but.
Now we'll,
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Back to Tagging
I have seen a lot of people take a dig at "Tags" whenever they get a chance. Whatever they say, i always get the feeling that deep down they acknowledge that the concept is really cool. I certainly think so. What better than stereotyping when you run out of ideas ;)
So here I am, answering 50 questions about myself. Tagged by Sri. This is a really long post.
1. Were you named after anyone?
Lord Ram and my paternal grandfather.
2. Do you wish on stars?
3. When did you last cry?
In someone else's presence? 5 years back.
When alone? some time last December, when i watched Mahanadhi for the humpteenth time.
4. Do you like your handwriting?
It used to be a lot better. Not wielding the pen a lot doesn't help. My sister's handwriting is far better though.
5. What is your favourite meat?
Haven't consumed meat at all.
6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
Don’t really have anything like that.
7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Very much.
8.Are you a daredevil?
Don't think so.
9. How do you release anger?
I procrastinate and it goes off...every single time.
10. Where is your second home?
United States of America.
11. Do you trust others easily?
I show that I trust, even if I don't initially. But most times I really do.
12. What was your favourite toy as a child?
I can remember a few...but can't really call any of them a favorite.
13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless?
None, in retrospect.
14. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I wish I had the talent! :P
15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
16.What do you look for in a guy/gal?
Honesty, Simplicity and Compassion.
17. Would you bungee jump?
Not in a million years. But things change...people change...
18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Every single time.
19.what's your favourite ice cream?
Strawberry Cheesecake at ColdStone.
20. What are your favourite colors?
Depends on what the color is on.
21. What are your least favourite things?
Probability and by extension, arranged marriage.
22. How many people do you have a crush on right now?
23. Who do you miss most right now?
My parents and home.
24. What are you listening to right now?
The slight buzz coming from the computer adjacent to the one am typing this on.
25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
26. What is the weather like right now?
Very pleasant outside- slightly cold inside cos of the AC.
27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
A friend of mine, here in San Diego.
28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Things confirming that it's indeed the opposite sex :P
29. Do you like the person who sent you this?
How can anyone say anything but yes to this question? i think i just did :P
30. How are you today?
Good, so far.
31. Favourite non alcoholic drink?
Sweet Lassi.
32. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Piña Colada - i like this name the best :P
33. Natural hair colour?
34. Eye colour?
35. Wear contacts?
I used to- not these days.
36. Siblings?
Younger Sister.
37. Favourite month?
38.Favourite food?
Chipotle Fajita Burrito.
39. Favourite day of the year?
Jan 1st.
40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out?
I have never asked anyone out.
41. Scary movies or happy endings?
42. Summer or winter?
43. Holi or Diwali?
44. Do you like your name?
I do.
45. What book/magazine are you reading?
Bharathiyaar vasana thirattu.
46. What's on your mouse pad?
No mouse pad on this computer.
47. What did you watch on TV last night?
Serena vs Sharapova-Australian Open Finals, Memento-the movie and India vs West Indies-Chennai ODI
48. Favourite Smell?
Axe Voodoo ;)
49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
Not Applicable.
50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
Trying to walk the ten metres distance from my bed to the bathroom...the first three days after the knee surgery i underwent in 2005. I can't thank my then roommate enough, ever.
I tag:
So here I am, answering 50 questions about myself. Tagged by Sri. This is a really long post.
1. Were you named after anyone?
Lord Ram and my paternal grandfather.
2. Do you wish on stars?
3. When did you last cry?
In someone else's presence? 5 years back.
When alone? some time last December, when i watched Mahanadhi for the humpteenth time.
4. Do you like your handwriting?
It used to be a lot better. Not wielding the pen a lot doesn't help. My sister's handwriting is far better though.
5. What is your favourite meat?
Haven't consumed meat at all.
6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
Don’t really have anything like that.
7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Very much.
8.Are you a daredevil?
Don't think so.
9. How do you release anger?
I procrastinate and it goes off...every single time.
10. Where is your second home?
United States of America.
11. Do you trust others easily?
I show that I trust, even if I don't initially. But most times I really do.
12. What was your favourite toy as a child?
I can remember a few...but can't really call any of them a favorite.
13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless?
None, in retrospect.
14. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I wish I had the talent! :P
15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
16.What do you look for in a guy/gal?
Honesty, Simplicity and Compassion.
17. Would you bungee jump?
Not in a million years. But things change...people change...
18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Every single time.
19.what's your favourite ice cream?
Strawberry Cheesecake at ColdStone.
20. What are your favourite colors?
Depends on what the color is on.
21. What are your least favourite things?
Probability and by extension, arranged marriage.
22. How many people do you have a crush on right now?
23. Who do you miss most right now?
My parents and home.
24. What are you listening to right now?
The slight buzz coming from the computer adjacent to the one am typing this on.
25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
26. What is the weather like right now?
Very pleasant outside- slightly cold inside cos of the AC.
27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
A friend of mine, here in San Diego.
28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Things confirming that it's indeed the opposite sex :P
29. Do you like the person who sent you this?
How can anyone say anything but yes to this question? i think i just did :P
30. How are you today?
Good, so far.
31. Favourite non alcoholic drink?
Sweet Lassi.
32. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Piña Colada - i like this name the best :P
33. Natural hair colour?
34. Eye colour?
35. Wear contacts?
I used to- not these days.
36. Siblings?
Younger Sister.
37. Favourite month?
38.Favourite food?
Chipotle Fajita Burrito.
39. Favourite day of the year?
Jan 1st.
40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out?
I have never asked anyone out.
41. Scary movies or happy endings?
42. Summer or winter?
43. Holi or Diwali?
44. Do you like your name?
I do.
45. What book/magazine are you reading?
Bharathiyaar vasana thirattu.
46. What's on your mouse pad?
No mouse pad on this computer.
47. What did you watch on TV last night?
Serena vs Sharapova-Australian Open Finals, Memento-the movie and India vs West Indies-Chennai ODI
48. Favourite Smell?
Axe Voodoo ;)
49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
Not Applicable.
50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
Trying to walk the ten metres distance from my bed to the bathroom...the first three days after the knee surgery i underwent in 2005. I can't thank my then roommate enough, ever.
I tag:
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Nenju PoRukkudhilayae...
Got a mail from a friend today. It was a video file. There were these two girls, supposedly working for Infosys who were fighting with each other. Not just a verbal fight...but also a physical one. What was it over? What'd merit such hitting and pulling each others hair out and worst of all kicking each other so badly, in public. That too, corporate girls? I still cannot believe what I saw.
nalladhoar veeNai seydhae- adhai
nalangeda puzhudhiyil eRivadhuNdoa?...
samaikkindRa karamingu sariththiram padaippadhai boomi paarkka vaeNdum
dhooraththu dhaesaththil baaradha peNmayin paadu kaetkka vaeNdum
peNgal koottam paeigal endRu paadal sonna siththargaLum
eendRa thaayum peNmayendRu eNNidaadha piththargaLae
veedu aaLum peNmayingu naadu aaLum kaalam vaeNdum...
...manadhil uRudhi vaeNdum...
nalladhoar veeNai seydhae- adhai
nalangeda puzhudhiyil eRivadhuNdoa?...
samaikkindRa karamingu sariththiram padaippadhai boomi paarkka vaeNdum
dhooraththu dhaesaththil baaradha peNmayin paadu kaetkka vaeNdum
peNgal koottam paeigal endRu paadal sonna siththargaLum
eendRa thaayum peNmayendRu eNNidaadha piththargaLae
veedu aaLum peNmayingu naadu aaLum kaalam vaeNdum...
...manadhil uRudhi vaeNdum...
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