Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Windows E Senator Jon

Hello greetings,

All I or was in EW H been 10,000,000 laptop last been list of bid has who knew was the who S only thing that eight will stop visit the votes routing the loan. It has does speech recognition to an ridge is still owns the to root two green 1,000,000,000 words you and has been beaten to death been might grow loan you and will flying tune this who tune now the real

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Thanks for visiting my role of an do a com but.

Now we'll,


Ram said...

hello readers,

i bought this new HP Pavilion laptop last week. It has the new Vista OS on it. Vista looks pretty cool. It has this speech recognition tool which is supposed to print to screen the words you speak into the microphone. am trying to test the tool now.

i found it pretty good except when trying to interpret very large texts like this post. so, let us see how it fares this test.

i am going to type as the first comment to this post, the actual text of whatever i talked. So, you could actually be reading this from the comments section or it could be the actual post, if the tool passes the test with distinction.

the title of this post is windows speech recognition.

thanks for visiting my blog and do come back.


Anonymous said...

pardon me for sounding like such a gross ignoramus, but what's the stuff u just typed in italics?

Heidi Kris said...

Kalakals!! and Congrats!

yeah btw what was that in italics??

Ram said...

you two- ayyago!

read the first comment carefully :P

Siva said...

how do we interpret this?? ur voice being so bad or the tool being in a nascent stage?

btw, voice recognition software was used by my friends for typing their project work in UG..

sudhar said...


Ram said...

Siva- it's probably my speed. unna maadhiri porumayaa pesinaa maybe it'll give better results :P

Sudh- it's not that "terrific" actually :P -i like it quite well.

Gads said...

Suthama puriala post. And why this much euphoria for speech recognition? Idu dan epovo vandaache.. :-/ just that its part of OS now.. Avlodan..

Ram said...

Gadha- onakkumaa puriyala? oh no :P

Gads said...

Well.. I didn't understand the purpose of this post because speech recognition tool is old.. Avlodan.. :P or may be its new for you. :P

Ram said...

if that's the reason, then it's fine. yeah, it's not new...just that am excited to have it at my disposal ;)

Prasanna said...

sri is one of those big bulbs that illuminates marina beach... onnum panna mudiyadhu... looks like she has kambeny!! :P

Ram said...

PV- hehe :P

Ram said...

Ramya n Sri- the text in italics(the actual post) is what the speech recognition tool interpreted when i read aloud the text in my first comment to this post.

Ram said...

Did you see the demo in CES?
it was Hilarious:) and reminds me of a funny simpsons joke, but cant recall it well enough to quote here..
i tried Dragon Naturly speaking for my thesis report too, but it was so pathetic, and a pain to use with equations that i dumped it and anuj,vutu,sundarss helped a lot :)
they are much better recognizers of my voice than DNS :)

Ram said...

Durbha- CES? i saw a video on youtube demo-ing the thing. hilarious, yes!

Ram said...

CES- Consumer Electronics Show , an annual event that happens in Jan in LasVegas :), but may be the demo happened else where.. i remember it as CES.

Ram said...

oh ok...