Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Midwest Cricket Tournament

The major tournament that our university participates in begins on June 4, 2005. I'm not as excited as i was the last few years i've played for my university- nevertheless cricket is cricket and there's no lack of motivation! :).
The details of the tournament can be found at and my team name is UC, the short form for University of Cincinnati, listed under Group A. You can follow my team's progress at and my progress here. I am one of the 5 selectors of our team as well and take immense pride at that. There was a chance that I might have become the captain following our "elected" captain's resignation, but my academic committments did not leave me a choice. Life sucks when you can't do the things you want to without any inhibitions! Thank God, I can atleast play- our captain resigned his post because his wife got pregnant and so he wudn't be playing a majority of the games! It worries me to think that worries like that arent far away for me either! Damn- am getting old!
Anyways, the game on june 4th should be a nice start for us. We are expected to beat the opponent team quite easily. Looking forward to the game...


savi said...

so you wrote this after i asked about the match??? :P

arethusa said...

"Worries like that aren't far away"??? :o
How near, Ram? :P

Jammy said...

Statements like "am getting old" and "worries like that arent far away for me" make me wonder if this post is actually your signal to your parents to start the process. Hope your parents have read this post ;)

Vetty Max said...

Ram...try improving your batting average. Try following Venky Prasad's tactics of remaining not out at the end.

Pretty impressive bowling average. Keep it up and all the best in all your future matches. ;)

Ram said...

Savi- i was gonna write about it anyways...but yeah, our chat conversation quickened the inevitable ;) a matter of fact, i started composing even as we were chatting :P

Shy- i dont even wanna think about it :(( - i am having some really bad feelings about it for the last few weeks!

Jammy- Anna, neenga irukarchae naan yepdi? mariyaadhayaa irukaadhu :P- and no, ofcourse my parents dont get to read all this :P

K7- sacrifice da :(. i have been out only thrice and it has been cos of blind slogging once and an unnecessary last ball run out once! I am a much better batsman than what statistics suggest! Sure-aa indha season i'll improve it. and thanks!

arethusa said...

"Bad" feelings? :o
But why?

Ram said...

shy- the usual thing. loss of freedom, independence, etc.! Do u think i will get to play cricket every weekend once i get married? Romba kashtam!
Well, on retrospect, i have a lot of time left before i should even start thinking about all that and will make every second until then count ;) !

arethusa said...


Heidi Kris said...

All the best Ram!